Expert associaion IMA-MEDIA & IMAGRI /Brussels, Belgium/

PR-Project Portfolio Extracts

2009 – 2012   Establishment of EPAW platform
European Platform for Advanced Women

               (Like co-partner)

Events :
-    “Russian Speaking immigration in Europe : problems of adaptation to the new environments and preservation of culture of origin”. Focus on women and children aspects.
-    “Advanced Russian women and Euro institutions”. Develop with EPAW Monitoring Center (opinion polls). Launch a series of studies of Russian Speaking immigrants.  Europarlament
-     The 3-d Russian Women Business Forum EPAW (European Platform for Advanced Women). Europarlament
-   The 4-th WOMEN Business Forum  EPAW  (Europarlament)
2007 - INNOVATION BUSINESS FORUM in Brussels ( co-partner)

1992 - 2005       List of Projects.

-    Official press agent of "KalmTEKneftetrans" (Kalmykia), 2004

-    General contractor for the PR-support of the project "e-Moscow". Customer -  Municipality of Moscow, 2003-2004.

-    Leipzig Book Fair, March 2003, Information and advertising support. Russian stand "Moscow - book." Client: Mayor of Moscow.

-    5-th International time exposition. The official press-agent, October 2003

-    Corporate Services (the organization of special events) for the banking house "Saint - Petersburg. Customer Promstroibank. St. - Petersburg, December 2003

-    Mayor's Cup of equestrian sport – Moscow, 2002 - the official press agent Cup. Complete PR-support

-    Action Against Drugs Fund's popular singer Gazmanov "Do not even try!",  Kaliningrad, Russia, 2002. Under the patronage of L. Putina. The official press agent

-    Corporate action "Baltic Bank" - 5 years in Moscow. Organization and conduct  of turnkey opening Hotel Baltschug - Kempinski, Moscow, 2002

-    International promotion for Moscow’s candidacy to host "EXPO-2010”. 2001-2002,  Implementation of PR-programs in the leading Russian media and Western Europe. The general contractor of the Moscow City Hall.

-    80th year anniversary press conference and conference for the Russia's largest insurance company Rosgosstrakh. Organization of turn-key, PR-and PR-consulting, 2001

-    «AAI-North" - the exclusive distributor of SAAB, (Sweden), Russia and the CIS. PR-Consulting, developing and conducting commissioned by “AAI-North” and SAAB presentations:
-    new models of SAAB in Russia, 1999-2001, 
-    Presentations recognized by the General Office SAAB better on creative presentations among dealers.

-    Embassy of Finland in Moscow - advice and assistance in PR-activities, 1999-2001, the (traditional ambassadorial receptions).

-    KB Probusinessbank. Organization of image events on a turnkey basis. 2000

-    MTC-Mobile (dealer NOKIA), Moscow, 1999-2000. PR-Consulting, creating a new company image, creating a fashion gift for customers - a collection of case jokes, "Look, what a mobile!"

-    The company «Mr. DOORS » (modular furniture), Moscow, 1999 PR-consulting, development of new company image, create PR-concept and execution of turnkey.

-    Action "Dear cabinet, exhibition of Moscow designers.
-    Creating a fashion gift for customers - the book of case anecdotes "And there, in the closet, and there behind the wardrobe ..."
-    Short - list of the festival 10-th Moscow  Advertising Festival, 2000.
-    National Diploma Prize in PR «Silver Archer"  for a new company image.

-    Russian Association of Travel Agencies - as the official PR-consultant, 1999.

-    Client "Solvex" (Russia's largest tour operator in Bulgaria) - PR-program for 1998 Turnkey, including regional offices in 1998-99.

-    «Campina Melkuni" (Holland, producer of yoghurts "Fruttis») - PR-Consulting, PR-development programs, event management firm for the media ("Yogurt-Party), 1998-99.

-    Festival advertising photography "Master-97" - the official press agent Festival, 1997 Client - The Association of Advertising Photographers of Moscow

-    Association of private business - a seminar on law firms in Moscow: PR-support, the organization of highly mobile press center (know-how), 1996
-    Customer - "LOGOTEST", "INNOTEK"

-    Israeli Embassy in Moscow. PR-joint projects with the cultural attaché. Organizer TV project for "Sunday" - Channel 1 (central Public channel, now called ORT.)  1995-96.  Client - the Israeli embassy in Moscow

-    Photo exhibition of portraits of political leaders of today and the last century "In search of Russian charisma" – 1996. Client - the representatives of the deputies of the Russian Federation.  Working with the media, a complete PR-support

-    Congress of the Union of Young Entrepreneurs of Russia - scenario development activities. Organization of full PR-support, 1995, 1996 Client - League "April".

-    Festival of the regional press in Sochi, "SOC" - co-organizers, 1995 Organizer -  Studio GROWTH, Russian TV.

-    The Russian part of the World contest photo models and models «THE LOOK OF THE YEAR» . PR-director and director of the press center - 92-93 GG Client - a model agency «Red Stars».

-    Catwalk Dutch couturier Edward van Rijn. Working with the media, organise  press conferencec.  Client - «Red Stars».

(с) IMA-Media 2006-2019